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What to do if NextCC is not turning on?

  • Check the power supply with a multimeter. It should be 5V with maximum current of 2A.

  • Check the LEDs on the NextCC board. The power LED should be continuously on and the others should blink from time to time

What to do if telemetry data is not coming to the GCS?

  • If the telemetry air unit is powered using NextCC, ensure that the air unit is getting the proper power supply as listed by the telemetry manufacturer. NextCC's Telem port can supply 5V. If the power issue still persists, power the telemetry air unit separately.

  • Ensure that the Telem port of the NextCC is connected to the Telemetry air unit’s UART Port and the FCU port of the NextCC is connected to the Pixhawk's telemetry port.

  • Check the Dashboard Home after connecting the Pixhawk to the NextCC. If the Autopilot section shows N/A then check the Pixhawk connections with the NextCC.

  • Verify that the baud rate of the telemetry device, the NextCC, and the GCS are the same. The default baud rate is 57600.

  • Ensure that the telemetry port of the Pixhawk is configured with MAVLink 2 enabled.

The telemetry data is available on the GCS but the drone is not coming online. How to debug this?

  • Check the SIM card orientation in the NextCC board. Refer the Hardware Setup.

  • Ensure that the network antennas have been connected to the main and div ports of the cellular module.

  • The SIM card should have a valid recharge plan to access the internet.

  • For a new SIM card, insert it in your mobile and check whether the internet is working properly and then insert the card in NextCC.

  • If the SIM card is not inserted or inserted in the wrong orientation, in dashboard it will show the connectivity status as Failed.

  • If the network antennas are not connected properly in the cellular module, in dashboard it will show the connectivity status as Searching.

  • Check the connection status in NextCC dashboard's Cellular Connectivity page. If the Connection Status is Connecting wait for a few minutes. If the status does not change or the status is Connected but the drone is still not online, try a different SIM. Contact NextUAV for support, if the problem persists.

What to do if the flow meter is not working?

  • Check the flow meter settings in the Agriculture setup page of the NextCC dashboard.

  • Check the flow meter connection with the NextCC.

The NextCC shows that the drone is tampered, but the tamper switch is not resetting through the NextCC dashboard. What may be going wrong?

  • Check the connection of the tamper switch and tamper module.

  • Check the connection of the tamper module and the NextCC.

  • Check the cell voltage of the tamper module. Replace the cell if its below 2.5V.